Male spotlight: Perrysburg's Zach Schrock
School: Perrysburg
Year: Senior
Sport: Basketball
Notes: 6-foot-5 center is averaging a team-high 13.0 points for the Yellow Jackets (12-3 overall, 9-2 NLL) and 6.0 rebounds; considering playing at a Division III college; 3.3 grade-point average
School subject: Math
Car: Chrysler 200
Store: Walmart
Musical artist: The Lumineers
Song: “Carry on Wayward Son” by Kansas
Social media: Twitter
Radio station: 97.3 FM
TV show: Dexter
Movie: Iron Man
Actor: Will Smith
Actress: Angelina Jolie
Local hangout: Hot Head Burritos
Place to visit: Hocking Hills
Food: Pepperoni Pizza
Beverage: Gatorade
Fast food: Wendy's
Can’t resist snack: Chocolate chip cookies
Athlete: Kyrie Irving
Baseball team: Indians
NFL team: Browns
NBA team: Cavaliers
Way to spend free time: Relaxing, watching TV
Person I’d like to meet: Will Ferrell
The world would be better if: Everyone learned how to get along
In 10 years I hope to: Have a good job and be supporting a family
My No. 1 goal this year: Enjoy rest of senior year and make something in basketball
Top sports moment: Scoring 30 points and getting 15 rebounds in home win over Napoleon
Ohio State or Michigan? Ohio State