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Published: Tuesday, 3/17/2015 - Updated: 2 days ago

Board member urged to leave seat

Cal Smith asked to resign by many at Perrysburg board meeting

Cal Smith of the Perrysburg board of education Cal Smith of the Perrysburg board of education
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Almost a dozen people stood up to call for the resignation of Perryburg School Board Member Cal Smith, during a board meeting Monday.

Parents, former students and a teacher’s union representative all accused Mr. Smith of behaving unethically and spreading false information. They said they no longer have faith in him.

“I no longer trust you and I don’t believe this community trusts you,” Melissa Dimmerling told Mr. Smith. “I’m asking you to do the right thing for this community and resign your seat on the Perrysburg Board of Education.”

Mr. Smith has been under fire since February, when during a public meeting he accused long-time baseball coach Dave Hall of behaving inappropriately and retaliating against players. After Mr. Smith’s criticism, the school board initially did not renew Mr. Hall’s contract. The board only voted to renew Mr. Hall’s contract at a later, special meeting.

Before public participation, Mr. Smith addressed the audience, stating that he believed he did the right thing and has no plans to resign. 

“I was elected to do what I think is right. That’s what I’m going to continue to do,” Mr. Smith said. 

Tom Przybylski, president of the Perrysburg Education Association, which represents the district’s teachers, said the union has issued a vote of no confidence in Mr. Smith and asked him to resign. Former baseball player Blake Schmenk said a story Mr. Smith told about Coach Hall forcing Mr. Schmenk to throw more than 130 pitches in a game as retaliation was untrue.

“You took it upon yourself to misuse my story for your own personal agenda,” Mr. Schmenk said. “You need to get your facts straight.”

Other board members declined to say whether they agreed with the community. Board member Gretchen Downs, said it’s unfortunate that the controversy overshadows good things happening in the district. Board Vice President Walt Edinger said he supports the community speaking out.

“We’re always glad when people show up to the board meetings,” Mr. Edinger said. “It’s important that we hear their reactions to what goes on at board meetings.”

More than 50 people turned out for Monday’s meeting where the board also introduced the district’s new athletic director. Chuck Jaco will start in the position on Aug. 1. He will replace Ray Pohlman, who has served as athletic director for the past 11 years and worked for the district for more than 30 years.

Mr. Jaco is currently an academic supervisor at Penta Career Center. He has a master’s degree in education from the University of Toledo and a superintendent certification from Bowling Green State University. He’s also worked as a youth sports coach for more than 10 years. Mr. Jaco was selected from a group of nine finalists for the position. His salary will be $82,475.

Contact RoNeisha Mullen at:, 419-343-3299.

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