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Published: Sunday, 3/22/2015

Perrysburg Safety Town set for June


Perrysburg school children can get a lesson in recreation and pedestrian safety through a long-time city program.

Safety Town has been around since 1970, offering area children basic safety education, focusing on pedestrian, bicycle, bus and recreational activities.

Registration for the two week program is now open. Children who will be entering kindergarten are encouraged to attend.

The program, presented by the city in cooperation with the Perrysburg Police Division, runs June 1-12. Session are two-hours long and start at 9 a.m. and noon.

Registration is open until May 22 or until classes are filled. Students must live in Perrysburg to attend. Costs is $30 and covers the costs of materials, snacks, drinks, special events, equipment and personnel. Families who need assistance paying the fee should contact Officer Quinn Crosby at 419-872-8001.

Registration forms can be downloaded on the city’s website, Completed forms should be mailed to: Safety Town, c/o Officer Quinn Crosby, Perrysburg Police Division, 330 Walnut St., Perrysburg, OH 43551.

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