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Published: Friday, 3/27/2015

Tapping Perrysburg talent: Way Library to hold a show

Way Library's programming specialist Natalie Dielman says the talent show helps bring the community together. Way Library's programming specialist Natalie Dielman says the talent show helps bring the community together.
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Calling all talent!

Singers, dancers, musicians and other performers are invited to show their talent in the Way Public Library Talent Show.

Registration is now open for the event, which is planned for 7 p.m. May 2 and will be the first of its kind for the library. 

Programming specialist Natalie Dielman said the talent show is one way the library is working to bring the community together.

“Libraries are changing and evolving -- they do have books, of course, but libraries also offer many other things,” she said. 

The library, she said has film showings, book discussions, arts and crafts programs, and last year had a TEDx event.

She added: “I see the library as a place to gather and talk and learn and I think a talent show is a great event for the community to come together.”

Performers for the talent show can try a number of things, such as performing scenes from plays and comedy skits, to reciting poetry, singing, or dancing. All performances are subject to approval and must be family friendly, Ms. Dielman said.

Participants must be age 15 and older. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. 

Register by April 22 at the information desk in the library or by calling 419-874-3135  ext 119.

Contact RoNeisha Mullen at: or 419-343-3299.

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