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Published: Wednesday, 1/28/2015

Track to be built at Perrysburg High School


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A new track will be under construction this spring at Perrysburg High School, bringing track and field for the first time to the school by next year.

The price for the track hasn’t been finalized but was estimated to cost $610,000 and will be paid from a 2011 permanent improvement levy. That same levy covered the costs of bathrooms and a concessions building near the baseball and softball diamonds at the high school.

The track, which should be completed by fall, will be just north of the softball field. It will be a 400 meter all-weather track with a polyurethane surface. 

It is the latest piece of the school’s athletic master plan. The high school was built in 2001 and now it is getting more athletic facilities.

This project will move the school’s home track meets from Perrysburg Junior High, where the high school still plays football. Added to the high school campus were the baseball and softball fields in 2013. Tennis courts will be coming next year.

“It is really exciting to have the track team here,” said Ray Pohlman, the school’s athletic director. “Physical education classes can use it, and off season conditioning for other sports.”

The track will come with bleachers for 800 to 1,000 people and a news media box. A long jump and high jump area will be part of the project. There won’t be other fields or sports in the middle of the track circle.

Mr. Pohlman said the school hopes to hold an invitational track and field meet with several schools once the project is completed.

The school, he said, is still seeking contractor quotes on the work.

The Perrysburg Planning Commission last week approved resubmitted master plan for the athletic fields. The master plan shows eight tennis courts just west of the track. Since the plan slightly changed from 2011, shifting the track’s location and eliminating practice fields, the plan needed re-approved by the planning commission.

There are no plans, however, to build a football stadium at the high school. The team plays at Steinecker Stadium at the junior high.

Contact Matt Thompson at:, 419-356-8786, or on Twitter at @mthompson25.

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