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23n2spring2-6 Peyten Young, a Perrysburg High senior, puts a temporary tattoo on Olivia Berry, 2, during an Easter Fun! event at Books-A-Million at Levis Commons.
Peyten Young, a Perrysburg High senior, puts a temporary tattoo on Olivia Berry, 2, during an Easter Fun! event at Books-A-Million at Levis Commons.
THE BLADE/ANDY MORRISON Enlarge | Buy This Photo
Published: Monday, 3/23/2015

We're all ears for spring

Books-A-Million in Levis Commons hosts Easter Fun! event



Peyten Young, a Perrysburg High senior, puts a temporary tattoo on Olivia Berry, 2, during an Easter Fun! event at Books-AMillion at Levis Commons.

The bookstore turned the page from winter to spring at its event on Saturday, offering crafts and a special story time.

It also accepted donations for its Basket of Cheer drive to benefit the children at the Cocoon Shelter

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